تفاصيل الدورة
Peopleare shifting from using heavy desktops and bulky laptops tosmartphones and tablets, that are smaller and far more portable. Thishas pushed developers into overdrive and brought mobile developmentto the forefront.
Makingthings more difficult for developers are the different operatingsystems. Developers are now required to design different layouts,different environments and different coding paradigms for the sameapp on different OSes. They have to now learn, master, write… + المزيد
تفاصيل الدورة
Peopleare shifting from using heavy desktops and bulky laptops tosmartphones and tablets, that are smaller and far more portable. Thishas pushed developers into overdrive and brought mobile developmentto the forefront.
Makingthings more difficult for developers are the different operatingsystems. Developers are now required to design different layouts,different environments and different coding paradigms for the sameapp on different OSes. They have to now learn, master, write andmaintain code for each individual OS. Basically, it results in fourdifferent versions of the same app.
What is the Solution?React Native!
ReactNative was designed by Facebook on top of the company's originalReact JavaScript library to help developers create cross platformapps for multiple platforms using nothing but JavaScript.
ReactNative acts as a bridge between the JavaScript syntax and the hostplatform, resulting in apps that are written in JavaScript but havethe look and feel of a real native app.
Want to Master ReactNative? You Can With This Course!
Ifyou want to learn this brilliant technology and simplify yourdeveloping life, then look no further than this course. This ReactNative tutorial has been designed as a one-stop-shop for anydeveloper looking to learn React Native from scratch.
Don't know React orReact Native? No problem!
Thecourse starts with the basics of React including the library andcomponents. From there you will learn what is React Native and how toinstall and set up the environment for both OS, Windows as well asMac.
Thecourse will also cover the basics as well as advanced features ofReact Native including components such as Toolbars, Buttons, FormControls and input controls such as TextInput, Sliders, Pickers, etc.
Youwill also learn the different React Native API to give your app aNative look and feel such as CameraRoll, Storage within the device,messaging; as well as touch events.
That'snot all. You will learn all of this in theory as well as practical!Not only will you learn how to use these amazing React Nativefeatures, but you will actually build applications and integrate allof these. The instructor will help you build a ToDo List that willuse the Async storage and also a Sub-Reddit app using the Reddit API.
Atthe end of this course, you will not only have mastered React Native,but you will have two finished apps on your hand. So, what are youwaiting for? We'll see you on the inside!
تحديث بتاريخ 10 January, 2017 - أقل