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Welcome to My Revision Pal!

My Revision Pal is the Revision System for Exam Success! This comprehensive course has been expertly designed to help students pass their exams, using a revision system that teaches students how to implement the two scientifically proven and most effective revision strategies.  

This revision programme supports, teaches and guides students through a series of learning modules that provides them with a revision formula to help them revise efficiently and effectively to achieve exam success.

This course is organized into six engaging and effective learning modules:


  • Focuses on revision mindset, dispelling some myths about revision and highlighting how memory can work effectively to remember all of the revision content students need to know.


  • Teaches students the tools to break down revision content quickly, so that students don't exert unnecessary energy trying to figure out how to get started.


  • Shows students how to implement the first of two scientifically proven and most effective revision techniques, allowing students to remember and retain more revision content.


  • Guides students through the process of making revision content stick using the second scientifically proven and most effective revision technique.


  • Teaches students how to use the specifically designed and expertly crafted revision templates to help students implement the two most effective revision strategies at home.


  • Completes this revision course by instructing students on how to apply their newly acquired revision skills in the exam. Students are taught how to use the revision techniques from modules three and four in order to construct successful exam answers.

When students learn and apply these revision skills they become stronger learners, which benefits students now and in the future.

Let's go ahead and get started.

تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
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