تفاصيل الدورة

If you want a "unique edge" in the workplace by becoming more charming, funny and persuasive than you've ever been -- you will love this course.  This course is based on 45 years experience working as a professional comedian with Hollywood Celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg, Kevin Pollak and the late Robin Williams. 

More importantly, I deconstructed the process to BE FUNNY and trained 30,270 people like you.  Meaning, humor and joke writing is a learnable, transferable skill-set.  Even if you're as logic-minded as a tax accountant; you can learn this system and use it.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • "The pre-testing technique" (designed to help you gage your audience and find out which of your material they'll most likely find funny so you don't offend the wrong people.)
  • How to master the 3 parts of a joke (called "mechanisms").
  • The art of telling compelling stories that keep your audience on the edge of their seats, waiting to hear more from you.
  • 5 humor mistakes that make jokes fall flat... Plus, how to avoid them.
  • How to allow the real you — the most authentic version of yourself (your true voice) — to unleash itself in the real world as an attractive magnet for new opportunities.
  • How to use "silence" to make people laugh.  People generally mess up their pauses and deliver their punch-lines too quick.  With this, you'll learn how to land your punches virtually every time.
  • Soo, so much more...

My guarantee to you:

This course will exceed your expectations, guaranteed.  You will become a superior communicator within the first 60 minutes.  If it doesn't work for you, I will give you a full refund with no questions asked. 

A real warning:

No one has ever taught this course other than me because I am the originator from 45 years experience under fire as a professional comedian. This is the ONLY system like it on Earth that is proven to transfer joke-writing as a skill to people like you.  

...  Because it's so unique and effective, I realize I'm undercharging for it.  It makes me sick to see my life's work being given away for under 60 dollars.  Soon I will take this course off Udemy and start selling it on my own website for what it's really worth.

This may be your last chance to take this course at the price you see, so take advantage of it now.

Looking forward to see you inside.


تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
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