تفاصيل الدورة

This Java SE 8 New Features training delves into the major changes and enhancements in Oracle Java SE 8. 

Take a tour of the new features in Java SE 8, the platform designed to support faster and easier Java development. Learn about Project Lambda, a new syntax to support lambda expressions in Java code; the new Stream API for processing collections and managing parallel processing; the DateTime API for representing, managing and calculating date and time values; and Nashorn, a new engine to better support the use of JavaScript code with the Java Virtual Machine. This course also covers some lesser-known features such as new methods for joining strings into lists.

Topics include:

  • Install Java SE 8
  • Working with lambda expressions and method references
  • Traversing collections with streams
  • Calculating timespans with the new DateTime API
  • Running JavaScript from Java with Nashorn
  • Miscellaneous new features

Benefits to You

By enrolling in this course, you'll expand your knowledge of Java SE 8, while building your Java skill set. 

تحديث بتاريخ 02 August, 2016
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