IOSH Directing Safely
السعر: 7,500 ZAR

تفاصيل الدورة

This course aims to provide directors/owners of small and medium sized enterprises (upto 250 employees) with an understanding of the moral, legal and business case for proactive health and safety management and give guidance on effective risk management. The importance of health and safety in the day-to-day running of a company dictates that senior members of management need to be very aware of their responsibilities.

The course reflects the principles embodied in:
  • The Health and Safety Executive's guidance. 'Successful Health and Safety Management' (HSG65),
  • The Turnbull report ('Internal controls: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code'),
  • The DETR/HEC's 'Revitalising Health and Safety' strategy statement.
The course covers:
  • The importance of strategic health and safety management and its interaction with other business systems
  • Directors' and employers' statutory duties
  • Accident causes and their prevention
  • Consequences of failing to manage health and safety effectively
  • The effect of human factors on health and safety
  • Importance of consultation and communication with employees on health and safety issues
  • Performance monitoring and continual improvement
This course is designed for people with strategic responsibility for determining and implementing effective health and safety management within an organisation of less than 250 employees.

None required

Delegates who successfully complete the end of course assessment will be awarded an IOSH Directing Safely Certificate. تحديث بتاريخ 09 November, 2018

وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

الإدارة , Health and Safety Management

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