تفاصيل الدورة

Course Description

Learn the basic concepts of Apples NSNotificationSystem with the Swift programming language for iOS 9.

Build a strong foundation in XCode 7 and Swift. This course helps you understand and implement the NSNotificationSystem framework in your own app with the latest technologies.

  • Swift programming language
  • XCocde 7
  • iOS 9
  • NSNotificationSystem framework

Professional skills and experience from an iOS Architect with over 8 years experience.

Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the NSNotificationSystem framework.

We will walk thru XCode setup and creation of a project iOS iPhone application that uses the NSNotificationSystem framework.

Content and Overview

This course explains Apples NSNotificationSystem framework systems and how it is used with iPhone application development. We explain the overall system in detail focused on developers not the marketing folks. We explain how the NSNotificationSystem framework works and how to integrated into an application with examples in Swift, Apples latest programming language for the iPhone. All examples are based on iOS 9.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Detailed explanations of the NSNotificationSystem framework for iOS 9
  • Learn how to integrate into your apps from an iOS professional
  • Suitable for any iOS programmer, Swift basics for NSNotificationSystem is presented, no experience as a UI developer or server developer is expected.
  • Teaching by example with hands on examples showing technical details.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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