تفاصيل الدورة

Learn how to write a children's story that kids will love.

The lessons come in three different formats: video, audio and PDFs - for you convenience and to help which ever way you learn best. There are also numerous e-book downloads to further your understanding. Plus, you may ask questions of the instructors at any time.

The course starts with an overview of the children's writing genre. Then gives advice on how to use positive thinking and goals to begin your writing journey.

Next, specific writing advice is given about how to come up with ideas, characters and plots for outstanding children's stories.

Then you are introduced to the many different genres of children's books. You need to know these so that you can market and target your work more effectively.

After, you will discover more advanced writing techniques that will mark you out as a professional when you begin to either submit your work to publishers or self publish your stories.

In the conclusion you are shown the essential ingredients for writing success.

Finally, you may experience an exclusive interview with bestselling author, Robyn Opie Parnell, writer of over 100 published children's books.

If you've ever thought about writing for children, this course is all you need to succeed.ti

تحديث بتاريخ 18 July, 2016
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