تفاصيل الدورة
Includes beautifully presented PDF's to print out or save.
Plus 2 Ebooks:
- EBOOK 1: "The Online Course Creation Tech Guide - Your Equipment Tool kit" - For fast and easy set up to create your own online course;
- EBOOK 2: "Where should YOU host your online courses?" - Formore advanced options of where to host your online courses - forthose of you who are a little more tech oriented or want to set upyour courses on your own WordPress site.
Many 5 star reviews..... Thank you!
Watch the preview lessons to see how I made $65,000 online in 18 months - as someone JUST LIKE YOU - who had never created online courses before.
What people are saying:
"'This is a first class course from someone who has helped and inspired me to start producing online courses. She has the proof to show you her success in earning a living through it within just 18 months.' - Victoria Cooper"
"Romadeserves 9 stars for this course. Comprehensive and detailed, yetsimple enough for a simpleton like me. She has a big heart".Joriah
"Romahas packaged everything we need to know about how to make asuccessful online course. I have learned so much from Roma andbecause of her knowledge I am seeing my own course flourish! ThanksRoma for giving us the keys to making a profitable course"! BJ
Wouldyou love to create your own online course but not sure where tostart?
Doyou dream of making a generous monthly passive income?
Doyou have a desire to impact not just a few, but hundreds, maybe eventhousands of lives with your training?
Inthis course you will find the tools to create quality, world classonline training. I am passionate about teaching, and like you, felt Imay not have the resources or knowledge to create my own onlinecourses that looked professional....all on a budget.
I'mRoma Waterman, I've been a teacher, performer, author and trainer formany years, and jumped into online course creation a few short yearsago.
In the last two years by implementing the strategies in thiscourse, I have been able to earn a generous 4 figure monthly incometeaching on Udemy. Creating online courses has given me the abilityto train thousands all over the world. It has changed my life, and Ibelieve it will change your life too.
Ibelieve the tools that I have learned as an online instructor willhelp you succeed and will not only exceed your expectations but giveyou all you need to accomplish a successful online business.
Inthis course I have included everything that I have learned that hashelped me become a successful online instructor. From research,planning, to filming, marketing to simple productivity hacks.
- Learnhow you can do most things by yourself and on a budget;
- Targetyour market by learning research and planning tools to create yourown amazing online course;
- Executethe correct sound,lights, and audio options to record your course(that are right for you and your budget);
- Easilyimplement screencast software to film and edit your lectures;
- Learntop marketing tips to promote your course;
- Discoverweb based tools to find images & music to help create aninteractive and interesting course;
- Createyour own images and artwork to promote your online courses;
- Discoverproductivity hacks to create easy and efficient workflow.
Plus heaps of Extras:
- Understandingdifferent learning styles and techniques to help teach ANY type ofstudent;
- Allmy notes;
- MyPresentation slides used in this course;
- Challengesfor you to complete along the way;
- Joina community of online course creators where you can share your ideasand ask questions;
- Iam available to answer any of your questions or for feedback.
Learnin a fun, relaxed environment (I only do fun), and I am lookingforward to getting to know you and celebrating your success as anonline course instructor.
I am confident if you follow thesestrategies you will create amazing courses that fast track you to anew life making a difference in the global training marketplace.
Signup now so that you can create your first online course easily andefficiently. Let me take the guesswork out of it for you. I lookforward to seeing you inside the course!
تحديث بتاريخ 31 December, 2017 - أقل