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Stone River eLearning


Have you ever logged in to a website using your Facebook account and said, man, that was easy! Millions of people prefer the Login through Facebook option over creating an account with yet another password, so why don't you create this functionality for your customers?


You will be learning to create Facebook Connect logins using free CodeIgniter software. Even if you have never used CodeIgniter before, you will still be able to follow the lessons and create your first Facebook Connect login system. If you know a bit about CodeIgniter, that's great too!

Step by Step Instruction

Imagine you have a client that is interested in having a Facebook Connect login placed on their website. Now image you had someone from Facebook sitting next to you showing you everything you need to know to create the Facebook Connect login for your customer. That's what this course is!

The simple and clear, easy to understand lessons in this course will take you from absolute beginner to a Facebook Connect professional in about 1 1/2 hours. That's not too much time to spend for such a coveted skill.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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