تفاصيل الدورة

This video course introduces you to a range of programming projects with the Go language, demonstrating how to put the language to use for a variety of real-world applications and services. These projects range from command-line tools to distributed messaging services, web services, and web applications with Go running on the server side.

We first discuss then model the projects based on popular usages (for example how Docker and Soundcloud use the language). The driving force here is what Go is powerful for— creating fast, real-time applications and services that leverage the use of concurrency.

We'll demonstrate how versatile the language can be and how it can be put to use in a range of real-world programming domains, whether that's for DevOps tools, cloud-based services, or RESTful web services. Interwoven with the projects, there are demonstrations of best practices and design patterns, and techniques you can carry over to your own projects.

The projects also demonstrate the key features of Go in action, such as concurrency, and will start to explore the rich ecosystem of open source libraries and frameworks that are being continually developed for the language.

By the end of this course, you will have everything you need to go out into the wild with Go to build projects of your own.

About The Author

Ben Tranter is a developer with nearly six years' experience. He has worked with a variety of companies to build applications in Go, in the areas of data mining, web back ends, user authentication services, and developer tools, and is a contributor to a variety of open source Go projects.

تحديث بتاريخ 27 December, 2017
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