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This is an easy to follow, step-by-step, Federal ResumeWriting tutorial. The video instruction taught in this tutorial is directlylinked to each chapter within the Battlefield Resumes, LLC workbook called"Operation: Federal Resume, 4-Battlefield Phases to a Targeted FederalRésumé." This tutorial will help veterans, transitioning militarypersonnel, federal government employees, defense contractors and others intheir search for federal employment. This tutorial uses an easily identifiableanalogy between military doctrine and federal résumé writing. This trainingencourages you to use military tactics and strategy when transitioning to thecivilian workforce. If you want to learn the secret to the HR screening processand want to get "referred" to the Hiring Manager, you have to watch this video trainingprogram. Bruce shows you how the HR office evaluates your resume and categorizesyou for a certain GS Grade Level, as well as how you can ensure that yourresume is evaluated at the highest salary (GS Grade Level) possible. He alsoshows you where to find the criteria that the HR office uses when determiningif your resume should be "referred" to the Hiring Manager and how to ensurethat the same critical information is included within your resume. Bruce will alsowalks you through the Hiring Manager's evaluation process and how the federalgovernment Position Description (PD) is linked to the vacancy announcement, theKSAs, the Questionnaire, and the questions asked during the interview. If youwant a federal job, this video tutorial is a must and will definitely ensureyour resume is more competitive than other applicants, as well as prepare youfor your federal government interview.

تحديث بتاريخ 30 October, 2015
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