تفاصيل الدورة

Course Description

This course provides you a step-by-step guide on how to effective build and host your website with Git, GitHub, WebStorm, Bootstrap.

Learn with project example

  • Setup GitHub
  • Manage code with Git
  • Create and preview webpages with WebStorm and Boostrap
  • Overcome challenges and solve the problems

Content and Overview

As an experienced web developer, I have created multiple websites for companies and individuals. During my interactions with clients, I found many people have the need to build up their online presence and want to be able to update the contents easily. But they think it could be very difficult to do it by themselves or it will be very expensive.

Based my experience, I designed this course to show you the overall picture of the website lifecycle,  from designing, developing, deploying, to updating the contents.

I also bear in mind that people don't have too much time on this. They want to learn the new skill with minimized time and efforts.

You will find this course very effective and helpful. 

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn how to build and host website step by step
  • Learn how to use the effective tools and skills when building website
  • Over 10 lectures
  • Source Code included
تحديث بتاريخ 02 April, 2016
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