تفاصيل الدورة

Bringing more clarity and ease into our life is easier than we think.

This course will help to explain how intuition works and how to get established in our "home frequency" where there is flow, joy, ease and endless opportunities.

This course aims to:

  • Clarify what intuition is and how it works
  • Show you how to recognise intuitive states
  • Move you out of "life is hard" or, "life is a struggle" and into "life flows effortlessly" and, "things are always working out for me"
  • Show you how to access your higher potential and get established there
  • Help you build sensitivity to what states that are helpful and what states are not helpful
  • Help you feel more and think less
  • Increase your ability to read signals and sense frequencies
  • Increase awareness

After this course you will have a clear idea as to how intuition works and be able to apply it in a way that will help all aspects of your life.

There is a way to live in this world that is fluid, graceful, fun and joyful!

تحديث بتاريخ 22 September, 2015
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