تفاصيل الدورة

I am not just going to provide you with a list of online business ideas so you can pick one or two and go for it without really knowing what you are walking into. That advice won't do you any favors at all and you could waste a lot of time and energy building something that does not earn you much revenue at all.  This course is for the serious, intelligent, motivated new entrepreneur that is willing to work hard to define a business niche that can succeed financially with energy applied to it.  I won't lure you in with pictures of piles of money or promises of quick riches.  

This course teaches you how professional online entrepreneurs do it. The concepts, strategies and "how to" methods I will teach you in this course will take time and effort to set up, roll out, gather followers and evangelists and ultimately, give you a shot at making real money online.  So if you are serious about building an income for yourself online - both active and passive, then sign up and take this course. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.  

The course starts out by teaching you how to find potential business opportunities that may be aligned with your skills and interests.  It then instructs you how to analyze these ideas to begin to short-list them as possible contenders for your efforts and investments.  Next, I will introduce you to a "Decision Making Framework" that you can use to compare and more deeply analyze your short-listed candidates to help you select the niche that is most likely to give you financial success.

The next section discusses the sorts of content you need to create and distribute in various places around the Internet to build your brand and start to become a recognized "Authority Figure" in your defined business space.

I then teach you the sorts of infrastructural components you need to create for your business in order to succeed at attracting prospects, working them through your created sales funnels and ultimately, closing business with a significant amount of automation put in place so as to make many of your sales generations steps automated.

This course is not for those looking for the fast buck. This is for those willing to put in the work, the hours - and there will be a lot of them - and the investment required to be able to succeed. So if this is who you are, I urge you to take this course - it will help you get there. You can use this course as you business roll out strategy. See you on the inside.

Best wishes, 

Dan Grijzenhout

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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