تفاصيل الدورة

This course is designed for mission-driven business owners, leaders and marketers who want to write copy (aka - -marketing messages that magnetize) based on values and true service without poking at pain points.  

You'll discover:

  • Ways to focus on PASSION points instead of pain points to create long-term, sustainable business staying power (instead of promoting buyer's remorse by poking at pain).

  • Why the "Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™" formula works. This is truly a framework that is completely customizable for your business and will help you build a solid foundation for success (cookie cutter systems and paint by number plans will not get you the results you desire)

  • How to write effective copy and learn copywriting formatting techniques to help your message stand out and attract your ideal clients

You will review one piece of your current content (or start from scratch) and apply proven techniques to revise your marketing, promotional or advertising pieces right away.

تحديث بتاريخ 18 February, 2018
دورات يمكنك الالتحاق بها على الفور... خذ دورة عبر الإنترنت على Writing and Editing ابتداءً من الآن. See all courses

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