- مدة الدورة التدريبية: 15 ساعة إبدأ الآن
- معتمدة من قبل: CPDIAO
- الشهادة:
- طريقة تقديم الدورة: عبر العرض التقديمي
تفاصيل الدورة
Child Attachment Diploma
The highly interesting psychological field of child attachment is explored in great detail in this course. Starting with a look at the main theories and theorists, the course explains the main concepts and principles clearly and we make sure we cover all the fundamental points for you. Bowlby and Ainsworth have proven to be huge contributors to the field of child attachment and their work is carefully considered within the course’s 10 modules.This course will hopefully teach you how to think like a true expert in the field of child attachment theory. You will be taught the signs to look out for when there are any issues in this field and there are tests that can be implemented along the way to better facilitate this. By the end of the course, you should be able to apply the guiding principles of child attachment theory with relative ease.From working as a social worker, to a child psychologist and even a classroom assistant, this course will prove to you that there is such a huge variety of roles connected with the field of child attachment. Indeed, the final module is devoted entirely to this discussion and is conveniently split between roles that are more ‘hands-on’ in the field of child attachment, compared with those that may involve this psychological niche in a little more tentative manner.What You Will Learn
- A detailed look at the history and evolution of child attachment theory
- A discussion of the internal working models that are used in this field
- We look at the main contributors to this field ( Ainsworth and Bowlby)
- You will have plenty of opportunity to fully learn the important ‘Strange Situation Test’
- You will consider the main influences of child attachment
- A look at the ethical considerations that must be borne in mind, especially when working with children
- How attachment should stabilise in later childhood
- You will consider the hugely important concept of vulnerability in relation to child attachment
- Define ‘harm’ and look at ‘degrees of harm’ in good detail
- A sneaky peak at just some of the myriad roles of employment that are connected with this interesting psychological niche.
Benefits of the Course
- The ability to recognise the signs of child attachment problems
- You will understand how to implement the ‘Strange Situation Test’
- You will gain the skills that will enable you to work in a huge variety of fields connected with child attachment
- Gain knowledge of a truly interesting psychological niche
- Learn how you can make a real difference in the field of child attachment
- The ability to study from any location with an Internet connection
- Learn the material at any time and at your own pace
- Lifetime access to the course – no deadlines
- Obtain a recognised certification when completing the course, which will improve your career prospects.
وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة
Child Attachment Diplomaنبذة عن معهد New Skills Academy
?Iفي نوفمبر 2013 ، تم طرح سؤال واحد: ماذا تريد أن تتعلم؟
من هناك ، ولدت رؤية توفر دورة تدريبية شاملة وعالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة عبر الإنترنت. كان الاسم وراء تلك الرؤية أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة. عندما يتعلق الأمر بالمدارس عبر الإنترنت ، يوجد الكثير ، ولكن في أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة نميز أنفسنا بين المنافسة بتفاننا في تحقيق أهدافك طويلة الأجل.
إذا كنت تدخل سوق العمل لأول مرة ، أو تبحث عن وظيفة جديدة ، فسوف نقدم لك الدعم السريع والكفء عبر الإنترنت الذي تحتاجه لجعل أحلامك حقيقة واقعة.