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New Skills Academy Balloon Modelling Academy Diploma (Accredited) New Skills Academy

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Balloon Modelling Academy Diploma (Accredited)

Are you currently doing balloon modelling as a DIY project for family and friends, having fun with the children at parties and putting your skills to the test? Is this something you would like to do as a career, maybe start your own successful business catering to children's parties and events on a national scale? The balloon modelling academy diploma may be the solution you have been looking for.Introduction to Balloon Modelling Academy DiplomaChoosing to complete this accredited course can give you all the knowledge and insight you need to start your own successful business. The course covers everything from the equipment you will need to managing bookings, performing risk assessments and more.The course comprises of twenty six information packed modules which take approximately ten hours to complete. These include photographic and video instructions on how to make various models using balloons.You study online from any device at any time. You can study at your own pace, managing a full time job and studying in your spare time. On completion you will receive a certificate and the knowledge to start your own balloon modelling business.

What You Will Learn

This accredited course is made up of twenty six modules, each one providing you with valuable information you can use to run a successful business. These include:
  • Introduction to becoming a balloon modeller – learn more about the industry and what it takes to be successful in this industry.
  • Types of work balloon modellers do – in this module you will be given insight into the types of jobs you can expect to do, adult entertainment and the importance of staying up to date with the latest trends and crazes.
  • Equipment and materials needed – here you will learn what equipment and materials you will need to run your own balloon modelling business. It also covers how marker pens can be a valuable resource and why you need your own transport when running a business in this industry.
  • Code of Conduct/Child Protection – this is a very important module which will help you identify the code of conduct relating to equity and how to ensure you adhere to the child protection regulations at all times.
  • Health and Safety and Risk Assessments – this module is going to provide you with valuable information on carrying out an effective risk assessment and health and safety protection.
  • Managing Bookings – in this module you will learn how to manage your bookings effectively, manage your time and the importance of booking contracts.
  • Pricing and costs – here you will learn how to set different pricing models and how to identify your costs as a balloon modeller. You will also learn how to track income and expenditure and how to set pricing for certain events.
  • Starting and running your own business – this module is dedicated to giving you the guidance and information you need to start and run your own successful balloon modelling business from business plans to services offered.
  • Insurance, Accounting and Tax – as a business owner there are so many important factors to take into consideration and this module is designed to give you advice on insurance, accounting and tax.
  • Marketing – make the most of online marketing tools and social media, networking and what to include in your advertising material are just some of the marketing information covered in this module.
  • The Do's and Don'ts When Things Don't Go to Plan – this module will cover dealing with complaints, dealing with last minute damage to equipment and so much more.
  • Balloon modelling techniques – an information packed module on the basics of balloon modelling techniques; twisting balloons, pumping balloons and tying balloons.
  • How to make modules – the remaining modules comprise of valuable information and guides on how to make various animals and shapes with balloons, along with video tutorials and guides to help you successfully build your balloon modelling career.

Benefits of Balloon Modelling Academy Diploma

There are numerous benefits to completing this accredited diploma and jump start your career in balloon modelling.
  • Start your own business
  • Learn various and useful techniques you will use daily
  • Jump start your balloon modelling career
  • Learn the secrets to success in this industry
  • Know all the rules and regulations associated with health and safety
تحديث بتاريخ 08 July, 2018

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